I've created it in few steps:
- Downloaded and unzipped eclipse
- Extracted all images from eclipse directories, subdirectories, zips and jars*
- Filtered only unique files*
- Sorted images by dimension (16x16, 24x24, 32x32, etc.)*
- Removed large images (that not look like icon)
- Created html pages (via PHP script)
* Via my shell scripts.
This is one script from this project:
#Find and copy only unique files (with same size and checksums) from $SOURCE directory to $OUTPUT.
rm -rf $OUTPUT
mkdir -p $OUTPUT
uniqProcess() {
echo >xqx_unique.idx
while read; do
echo -ne \\r$REPLY
echo $REPLY $(stat -c%s $REPLY)+$(md5sum $REPLY|cut -f 1 -d ' ')+$(cksum $REPLY|cut -f 1 -d ' ')>>xqx_unique.idx
sort -k 2 xqx_unique.idx|uniq -f 1|cut -f 1 -d ' '|xargs -I '{}' cp '{}' $OUTPUT
find $SOURCE -type f |uniqProcess